Remembrance, Solidarity, Celebration
I wear a red ribbon for remembrance, for solidarity, and for celebration.
I wear a red ribbon for remembrance, for solidarity, and for celebration.
Diversity and equality are two things that we hear about a lot today. Both are terms that most of us probably understand, but they are curiously hard terms to define. An organisation can be said to be diverse if it has a wide range of different viewpoints on a particular issue represented among its members, […]
Back in the early 1990s, I was studying for my GCSEs. The year before I sat my GCSE French exams, I sat another set of exams in French: a NISEAC Graded Objective in Modern Languages. The Graded Objective in French was essentially a GCSE-lite qualification. It was a subset of what GCSE French covered. After […]
I’ve had about four hours sleep, and it is largely down to the news from Orlando. On Facebook, I have seen someone comment on PULSE, saying that it was a place where people in “ill-fitting jeans and gaudy shirts” could have a “good time”. Now, I suspect that I know more than most people about […]
The biscuit was invented, in 1822, by the famed Georgian architect William Henry Jonathan Arthur Blanchard Biscuit. His invention was completely accidental. In the early 1800s the population was booming, and more houses were needed as a result. Architects everywhere were desperately searching for ways to make the building process faster… Read the rest here.
From Faith and Pride… Christian consciences have been a concern since the days of the New Testament. A long time ago, a wise man called Paul the Apostle gave advice to the Christians in Corinth about how to handle their consciences. “I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—not […]
From Faith and Pride… I have had a letter on equal marriage published in the Gibraltar Chronicle. Although I have only lived in Gibraltar for a short time, I have been much struck by the diversity and tolerance shown here. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Bahá’í, people of other faiths, and people of no faith all live […]
From Faith and Pride… And another letter published in the Belfast Telegraph. I take the Bible just as seriously as any other Christian from Northern Ireland. If there were really a single sound-bite verse that could prove that you cannot be gay and Christian, as Good News Messenger seems to think (Writeback, November 17), then […]
From Faith and Pride… I have had another letter on same-sex marriage published in the Belfast Telegraph. IT seems that much of the coverage of the gay marriage cake affair has portrayed it as Christians on one side and gay people on the other. It is too easy for people to forget that some of […]
From Faith and Pride The adage “love the sinner but hate the sin” is often used in discussions of Christianity and same-sex relationships, usually in a context where someone is saying “I love you, but I hate your sinful relationship”. This is problematic for two reasons, a secondary reason, and a fundamental reason. The secondary […]