Andrew McFarland Campbell  

It says so in the Bible!

“It is wrong for Christians to drink/be in a same-sex relationship/get divorced/use Facebook/drive a Prius/issue du jour—it says so in the Bible!”

I hear that kind of statement a lot, often from street preachers in Belfast. There are roughly 800,000 words in the Bible. That’s about eight typical novels. So I normally respond with a question.

“Where does it say that in the Bible?”

It is surprising how often people can’t answer that.

If you are going to use the Bible as a basis for your beliefs (as I believe all Christians should) and you are going to share your beliefs with other people, then you should be able to locate the relevant passages. BibleGateway is a useful resource for searching the Bible in various translations.

2 thoughts on “It says so in the Bible!

  1. Andrew McFarland Campbell

    Reblogged this on Andrew and Michael.

  2. Dan

    I think they’d have a hard time finding a verse on Facebook in the Bible! Anyway, I agree that Bible Gateway’s a nice tool for finding verses on divorce, flesh, wine, etc.

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