Year: 12 years ago


What was Christ’s Creed?

A creed, or statement of faith, or confession of faith, is a statement of beliefs shared by a religious community. Christian examples include the Nicene Creed, the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith, and the Westminster Confession of Faith. Individual Christians may also have their own creeds. It is not that long ago that I had one. […]

Andrew McFarland Campbell 


Many years ago, when I was the youngest in the family, I remember playing with a tube of toothpaste. I must have been about a year and a half old, so it couldn’t really have been any later than 1977. In those days toothpaste came in the traditional metal tubes with the screw caps. This […]

Andrew McFarland Campbell 

Milk Bottles

The invention of the milk bottle was a significant event in the history of Western Civilisation. For the first time there was a convenient, hygienic way to deliver milk to the consumer. Prior to the invention of the milk bottle, milk was delivered via a network of plastic… Read the rest of this story.

Andrew McFarland Campbell 


If something is very good, say a device for removing cat fur from the lint filter on the tumble dryer, or a gadget that makes a buzzing sound when you accidently put something non-recyclable into the recycling bin, people often say something like “That Defurrer™ is the best thing since sliced bread.” It is a […]

Andrew McFarland Campbell